Turmeric: medicinal, climate smart, and profitable for farmers.

Nicaraguan turmeric has been lab-tested to contain high levels of curcumin content, the key component of its nutritional value. Farmers in Nicaragua are looking for short cycle, higher value alternative crops where a suite of supply chain services are offered to reduce risk. Turmeric production in the Doselva value chain has become an attractive option for small farmers, and we expect production volume to increase swiftly over the next five years to put the country on the map as a significant supplier of organic turmeric on the global market.


Doselva has grown organic turmeric on its farm since 2016. In 2018, we provided seed and signed contracts with farmers in four departments to produce in the Doselva turmeric chain. Farmers will receive technical assistance, harvest collection services and a guaranteed market for their turmeric in 2019 and beyond.